Find out how to make the most of the command line to create a MySQL Database using the cPanel API. Here are the instructions that are used in the online video:
Create the database: uapi –person=exampl3 Mysql develop_database name=db_title
(Switch “exampl3” with your cPanel username and “db_name” with the identify you would like to give to the databases.)
Create the databases consumer: uapi –consumer=exampl3 Mysql build_user identify=db_user password=P@s$w0rd123!
(Replace “exampl3” with your cPanel username, “db_consumer” with the name you would like to give to the databases person, and “P@s$w0rd123!” to the password you would like to assign to this user.)
Assign the database person privileges to access the database: uapi –consumer=exampl3 Mysql set_privileges_on_database person=db_person databases=db_title privileges=ALL
(Exchange “exampl3” with your cPanel username, “db_person” with your databases person, and “db_title” with the identify of the database.)
00:00 Intro
00:23 Login to your server by way of SSH
00:27 Generate a MySQL Databases
00:34 Build a Databases User
00:41 Give the Consumer Acces to the Database
01:04 Check out the New Databases in cPanel
01:10 Outro
► Master additional in our whole manual – How to Develop a MySQL Databases Employing the cPanel API:
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