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How to operate Python Django Venture on cPanel Shared Hosting | Without the need of Terminal | Bangla Tutorial.
Quick Way

Installation of Python Django in cPanel :
1.) Log in to your cPanel management panel.
2.) In the Software package portion, decide on “Setup Python App”
3.) Find the wanted Python variation from the drop-down list. …
3.) Pick the route to put in, and also find the area on which you want to install the framework.
4.) Pick out your area name from the Application URL drop-down list.
Click on the “Setup” button, wait right until the installation is finish.

It is really difficult to deploy python Django task in cPanel with out Terminal, Here’s how you can do it.
Very first, develop a necessities.txt of your venture.
Now zip and add the venture into your internet hosting server/shared host and extract it,
Now, using cPanel install specifications.txt
then on the application root, there will be a file open the file change and import application from your task wsgi
eg. “from mydjangoapp.wsgi import software ”
restart the python application, it need to be doing the job.
Take care of the static by switching static dir to general public_html and moving the data files to community_html your area root dir.


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