Consider Nestify:
Nestify Will allow you to host your wordpress internet site with amazon aws with some very substantial specs servers. Hosting your wordpress web page with amazon aws specifically can be Really tough espeically for very first time buyers.
I felt nestify features some of the best programs for new consumers and gives a prepare for anyone who are trying to get started out with wordpress.
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The best
Most awaiting
Which video editor you used
Hope you explain how to buy hosting from Amazon
Great info in this tutorial and straight to the point for those whom aren’t familiar with AWS
amazing video sir…thank you so much…
Muchas gracias Darrel
AWS seems a bit overkill for a simple WP tbh. But AWS def is amazing for bigger projects
could you please help me with Alexa ranking, my domain age is around 1 year plus days, but it still in 1.28m ..not getting under 100k or less than that..please tell me how to make it..
Awesome, thanks a lot , great info.
Got to agree with the guy below. Hope you explain how to buy hosting from Amazon
Hey party people! If you are looking for a non-techy way of hosting your website on amazon, this is by far the best solution i have found! You can easily install wordpress with Amazon AWS using Nestify. The rates are great and you do get a good bang for your buck
really DARREL you all videos are too much helpfull
these prices, and they fix your website for you. Sounds too good to be true. Enough so that it even puts me off a bit. Cloudways also gives you a choice of servers anywhere in the world. I don't know why they limit you here.
Hi Darrell
Would explain in next video the email marketing service for wordpress
What is the best email marking provider for wordpress
Just signed up through your link! Will test the waters since I am looking for something different from Cloudways to move to.
I would like to see more videos like this one!
How do you manage the emails? Do they offer their own email hosting?
How many site we can host on same hosting ?? Like cloudways lets us make unlimited websites on same hosting
Amazon Amazon Web Services
Hey Darrel it is free Hosting or not ??
i'd love to see a webflow tutorial from you
Its actually not that difficult Darrell to host directly in amazon you can find an easy configuration through market place by using bitnami wordpress and you will also get a free trail … I suggest you talk learn this and make video about it and you can also read about Google free tier and free trail
Do they also censor people?
AWS is probably overkill for most WP sites. They are also becoming notorious for deplatforming startups who threaten the status quo of big tech.
Hey I want to create a website like but I am getting problem please make a full tutorial on this . And I have infinity free subdomain and I want to add cloudflare on it please help me.
It's also far more expensive than it's worth for hosting wp.
Cloudways support is top notch though, that's why they are more expensive.
Looks interesting. It says unlimited visitors.
Does this have lightspeed?
Thanks for the helpful video again!!!
aws lightsail would probably be okay for most wordpress sites and it's not that difficult to configure .. . I have been using AWS lightsail for most of my site and have not had any major issues till date .. plus cloud hosting is always a better option to shared hosting
Please do a long term speed test thing with this please
hello my dear,
good day!
I need a big help from you
one of my buyer want one option which is add address filter
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Dear i need enter address to see menu option. how we may do it pls say
Hey Darrel, thanks for this video! I've been hearing about Seller.Tools from a few expert sellers that I know, could you do a video or review on that soon?
It didn't allow me to select AWS East. It forced me to Digital Ocean which was a deal killer for me.
Oh, so this is a Nestify solution based tutorial.
hey..good job as always.. what you mean by.. you might pay additional for traffic..i see they mentioned unlimited visits…is there some thing i missed what the hidden cost?
So what would you recommend more? Nestify or NameHero? I looked for info and videos for comparing the two and can't find anything
Why are there only 3 PHP workers with 8 cpus?