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In this video clip I will clearly show you how to put in, setup and configure CPANEL/WHM to host sites on AWS Lightsail


00:00 – Intro & Tutorial Define
01:15 – Create #CPANEL/#WHM Instance utilizing Blueprint
02:05 – Develop Static IP and Connect to Occasion
02:47 – Reset root password & Begin CPANEL Set up
03:50 – CPANEL Set up and Trial License Activation
04:37 – Confirm License IP & Server IP
05:10 – License Activation Fix
07:16 – End Setup & Validate Server IP in #WebHost Manager Set up
08:47 – Change off solutions
10:53 – Operate Security Advisor Scan
11:41 – Help Apache Jail
12:05 – Put in ImunifyAV Anti-virus computer software
12:39 – Empower KernalCare Symlink Safety
13:22 – Update Program Kernal and Reboot Program
15:02 – Configure #MySQL to hear on regional IP & Restart MySQL
17:00 – Disable root login for SSH and Restart #OpenSSH
18:15 – Install CSF Firewall
19:53 – Configure Firewall and Restart #CSF
23:00 – Permit #ModSecurity #OWASP Core Rule Set
23:48 – Setup Accounts for Web-sites
26:22 – Empower #WordPress One particular-click on put in via Website Software
29:50 – Wrap up

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aws lightsail,#cpanel,whm,protection configuration, webhost,webhosting,wordpress hosting

PS: Some of the back links higher than are affiliate links that I get a kickback from so use them if you can!. Your price tag does not improve.


  • Great tutorial here. It makes me feel secured setting it up after watching you show us how to secure WHM/cPanel. Thanks much!

  • Sheikh Nasim says:

    Video On How To Install Varnish On Light Sail…..

  • Thank you very much for your series on AWS LightSail. Extremely useful. I do have a couple of questions. First, in your first video you said that the advantage of AWS Lightsail is that we don't have to worry about security anymore, but in this video you actually configure security and firewall in cpanel. So what do you mean by not have to take care of configuration, security and updates with AWS LightSail? My 2nd question is that now, I have WordPress Toolkit which appeared at the bottom of my cpanel, and I have not paid for it. I read that it is now part of the recent versions of cpanel. It is super useful to set up a new WordPress site, and it even allows to have it password-protected. I am considering changing hosting to go to AWS LightSail, so I'd like to confirm that I will truly have access to this great tool kit in cpanel with AWS LightSail.

  • James Gz says:

    Thanks, Mukesh. Excellent as usual.

    1. Can you walk us through applying an SSL certificate in cPanel? Specifically, a WordPress site generated in cPanel? Maybe Let's Encrypt or Zero SSL.

    2. How to add Let’s Encrypt, or ZeroSSL as an addon to CP. Found this

    3. How to setup staging server or subdomain for pre-production work and how to secure it with the same SSL method.

    Grateful that PiP has been minimized. Less distracting.

  • Mukesh Kumar says:

    My domain hosting use lightsail now require subdomain how to creat it when hosting in lightsail

  • Hi Mukesh, thanks for the video! I would like to know what is the difference on installing WordPress via cPanel/WHM and using WordPress Blueprint. Which one do you recommend more?

  • My installation is exactly the same as shown in the video, but now I need to correctly point the DNS. Do you have a tutorial for that?

  • Sean Farrar says:

    Hiya Mukesh, how are you? Thanks for this tutorial, really helpful. Wondered if you could help, on my lightsail wordpress instance, in my dashboard I am getting the following message -0 "A definition of a siteurl or homeurl was detected in your wp-config.php, but the file is not writable.

    Set your wp-config.php to writable and reload this page."..need to make it writable, can I connect to the '.htaccess or wp-config.php file' with SSH or do I need to use FTP (PuTty)? Thanks

  • Hello Mukesh, Being able to configure a server thanks to this video, when I have zero prior knowledge is amazing, so thanks so, so much. I struggled with some basic things however: I did not know how to "save" in SSH connection, and the graceful server reboot never showed that it was completed. I found answers when Googling (not easy). Three questions remain: I cannot add the kernelcare patch (goes in loop and security advisor warning doesn't disappear). I read that it may be because there is only one free patch for an IP. I already added the patch for a static IP and then recreated an instance with the same IP. Are you aware of the problem? Is it easy for me to change the IP of the server? The 2nd question is the server size. With cpanel, if my websites need 40GB space + backup, it seems that the $20 80GB could be too small. What is your opinion? The 3rd question is "why do you kill SpamAssassin?" Thanks in advance for your replies.

  • Excellent video.

    Could you help me solve the FTP access problem?

    What needs to be done to make the connection possible?

  • Hello Mukesh, I had a huge problem. I failed to login, just at a password-protected WordPress site level, and I was locked out the whole server. It was due to one of the settings of configserver (I followed your instructions) and the cpanel support team told me that it is uncommon to configure configserver in this way, where you get locked out the entire server. Could you point to the configuration that should be different from your instructions, so that this is not the case? It will be helpful to me but to others as well, I am sure. Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Mukesh. I need to enable Webmail on my Lightsail server. Do you have a video on how to properly setup email on WHM on Lightsail?

  • Muhaaas F says:

    You've earned yourself a new fan my friend. Thanks alot for the help

  • Renuka Says says:

    Hello sir, what would be the Name server to point new account that is added to WHM?
    is it the same value mentioned in "Nameserver Record Report"?, but it did not worked for me.

  • Sajid Akbar says:

    your comments on installing wordpress with cpanel or direct blueprint/ bitnami in lightsail…which is better and why

  • Honey Raj says:

    I already sent you email. please reply me asap, I need to setup whmcs on aws lightsail

  • excellent video! may I know if there is a way to setup lightsail CDN for wordpress websites hosted with cPanel running on lightsail instance?

  • Saleh Ahmad says:

    your tutorial is good only one thing is missing it's if you had also mentioned the keyboard buttons your using to save the terminal edits your making.

  • Heramb Thuse says:

    very good video
    Please keep adding more videos like this

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