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Study how to create interactive and information-pushed net apps in Python using the Streamlit library.

✏️ Training course developed by Chanin Nantasenamat (aka Information Professor). Check out his YouTube channel for extra facts science tutorials:
🔗 And Medium blog posts for more data science tutorials:

⭐️ System Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (:00) Introduction
⌨️ (2:54) 1. Straightforward Inventory Rate
⌨️ (13:24) 2. Basic Bioinformatics DNA Depend
⌨️ (29:44) 3. EDA Basketball
⌨️ (50:39) 4. EDA Soccer
⌨️ (1:00:48) 5. EDA SP500 Inventory Selling price
⌨️ (1:24:03) 6. EDA Cryptocurrency
⌨️ (1:50:47) 7. Classification Iris
⌨️ (1:58:58) 8. Classification Penguins
⌨️ (2:16:08) 9. Regression Boston Housing
⌨️ (2:27:53) 10. Regression Bioinformatics Solubility
⌨️ (2:54:27) 11. Deploy to Heroku
⌨️ (3:04:37) 12. Deploy to Streamlit Sharing

⭐️ Code ⭐️
💻 1. Uncomplicated Inventory Pric

💻 2. Simple Bioinformatics DNA Coun

💻 3. EDA Basketbal

💻 4. EDA Footbal

💻 5. EDA SP500 Stock Pric

💻 6. EDA Cryptocurrenc

💻 7. Classification Iri

💻 8. Classification Penguin

💻 9. Regression Boston Housin

💻 10. Regression Bioinformatics Solubilit

💻 11. Deploy to Heroku

⭐️ Additional approaches to join with Chanin Nantasenamat ⭐️
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