Study how to create interactive and information-pushed net apps in Python using the Streamlit library.
Training course developed by Chanin Nantasenamat (aka Information Professor). Check out his YouTube channel for extra facts science tutorials:
And Medium blog posts for more data science tutorials:
System Contents
(:00) Introduction
(2:54) 1. Straightforward Inventory Rate
(13:24) 2. Basic Bioinformatics DNA Depend
(29:44) 3. EDA Basketball
(50:39) 4. EDA Soccer
(1:00:48) 5. EDA SP500 Inventory Selling price
(1:24:03) 6. EDA Cryptocurrency
(1:50:47) 7. Classification Iris
(1:58:58) 8. Classification Penguins
(2:16:08) 9. Regression Boston Housing
(2:27:53) 10. Regression Bioinformatics Solubility
(2:54:27) 11. Deploy to Heroku
(3:04:37) 12. Deploy to Streamlit Sharing
1. Uncomplicated Inventory Pric
2. Simple Bioinformatics DNA Coun
3. EDA Basketbal
4. EDA Footbal
5. EDA SP500 Stock Pric
6. EDA Cryptocurrenc
7. Classification Iri
8. Classification Penguin
9. Regression Boston Housin
10. Regression Bioinformatics Solubilit
11. Deploy to Heroku
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Hi friends, thanks for watching! Hope you enjoyed learning about building data-driven web apps in Python using Streamlit.
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Be sure to check out my YouTube channel and connect with me on social media for more Data Science contents!
Excellent! Thx for showing how to activate conda environment for the uninititated and running streamlit from cmd …Most tutorials overlook this stuff with that level of ability assumed….great work.
@1:15:26 when you deployed the S&P 500 app that you wrote in Colab. Did you just copy the code and save as .py and deploy as per the previous tutorials? I have tried deploying from colab directly with no success.
Who thought it was Joma?
I'm only 3 minutes in, but man, the editing/cuts after every other word is getting tiresome. Hope it gets better.
Please, what IDE are you using?
need only one line for 69 …. or this guy hate 69
Thank you professor ! That's exactly what I needed to make a cool visualisation of my project
amazing tutorial, thank you
Thanks bro!
Study data science training in Bangalore from certified experts. Our job-oriented data science training in Bangalore helps you to learn a range of Python, R, SAS and Tableau techniques. Data Science Content is built for newbie and intermediate level experts in accordance with real-world requirements. Many real-world issues and case studies have been implemented and discussed in the classroom with a lot of practical practices. We include business qualifications, real-time assignments and career reviews for data science positions to Tier 1 businesses and banks. Be an expert in Data Science with our exclusive data science courses in Bangalore. We offer a Data Science course with both R and Python, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning concepts. Our classroom sessions taken by 10+ years of experienced trainers are highly interactive. There is a 24 X 7 online doubt clearing facility as well to ensure thorough learning.This course is ideally adapted for all kinds of people looking for data science training in BTM in the classroom and begins their data science career. We are considered one of Bangalore's best institutes for data science courses and training.
For More Details: +91 76193 43002
I'm sorry to say that I didn't enjoy this course. This is free and I'm really grateful that people do these sort of thing. But I think it could be a lot better and more helpful, so I hope I don't sound ungrateful if I'm listing things that I didn't like. You can just ignore my comment if you like.
The whole format is something that I think can be a lot better. I don't like ready-made code that someone explains parts of. I think it would be better if the teacher codes along with us, and explains why he/she is doing things the way they do it.
Another thing is that the explanations are lacking. I actually didn't get what were you trying to teach. Data science? Streamlit? Or something else entirely? If it is data science, you didn't explain any of the algorithms, or anything like that. If you were trying to teach streamlit, you didn't explain parts of it that you use. Granted it was more explanations than data science, but I don't have any idea about how streamlit pyplot works.
Another thing is that I like to code along myself. So I watch the tutorial and code myself along with the tutor. But in this video, I couldn't because half of the code is beneath the app itself. Of course, it is very good that you provided Github links to every project, but I preferred if the video was enough.
Again, I'm really glad that this channel exists, and people like Data Professor work hard to make these tutorials.
Which IDE are you using?
Does anyone know how to add the animation effects like he has in Atom?
Study data science training in Bangalore from certified experts. Our job-oriented data science training in Bangalore helps you to learn a range of Python, R, SAS and Tableau techniques. Data Science Content is built for newbie and intermediate level experts in accordance with real-world requirements. Many real-world issues and case studies have been implemented and discussed in the classroom with a lot of practical practices. We include business qualifications, real-time assignments and career reviews for data science positions to Tier 1 businesses and banks. Be an expert in Data Science with our exclusive data science courses in Bangalore. We offer a Data Science course with both R and Python, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning concepts. Our classroom sessions taken by 10+ years of experienced trainers are highly interactive. There is a 24 X 7 online doubt clearing facility as well to ensure thorough learning.This course is ideally adapted for all kinds of people looking for data science training in BTM in the classroom and begins their data science career. We are considered one of Bangalore's best institutes for data science courses and training.
For More Details: +91 73384 97706
pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. Got this right in the first step.
Thank u so much @dataprofessor
That simple stock price app is pretty cool. I wonder if you can have it take a user input stock symbol and auto update
This channel is a godsend. Thank you so much.
Hi, I have got this error :
No default language could be detected for this app.
Why is that?
I got an KeyError: 'percent_change_1h' in EDA Cryptocurrency "line 79, in load_data
percent_change_1h.append(i['quote'][currency_price_unit]['percent_change_1h'])" …i don't get it how to solve this…Can anyone Help??
Worth noting if you're having problems with installing streamlit check your python version. Updating pip and python to 64bit solved issues for me.
Tutorials be like: look this I how you make a header, goes on to explain in detail how to make header. Oh and this 10 lines of web scrapping function that i made is available in another video!!!
Excelent. Thanks you
Beyond awesome!
i like algorithms.
Awesome!!! TQVM!!

Too many stinking commercials!
Good Work Bro
i was really looking for these kind of frontends. U made my life easy. really helpful… thanks man
Tanks FreeCodeCamp:)
If I had known such a tool and tutorials would be available for free, I would have been born twenty years later. Yet, never too late to appreciate. Thanks!
The best video I have watched so far, clear explanations line by line.
I have tried to run your, but having issue:
KeyError: 'percent_change_24h'
File "", line 338, in _run_script
exec(code, module.__dict__)
File "", line 96, in <module>
df = load_data()
File "", line 573, in wrapped_func
return get_or_create_cached_value()
File "", line 557, in get_or_create_cached_value
return_value = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "", line 80, in load_data
Can I know where does the mistake comes from?
@Data Professor, how do we modify thet crypto-price-app such that it is able to be refreshed and get its latest data say for every 10 seconds? That would be more useful. Thank You.
use poetry to sync your dev environments.
The plucky buzzard peripherally zoom because snake essentially part before a macabre product. glistening glorious, attractive attic
hello Data Professor, thanks for these insightful videos. i am getting a key error for 'percent_change_1h' in the cryptocurrency app,please advise.
Very good work and exactly this what I was searching for. Thank you so much.
Import "streamlit" could not be resolvedPylancereportMissingImports
pd.read_html(url,header=0), What is the use of header here?
Starting a Matplotlib GUI outside of the main thread will likely fail.