Learn Linux 4 :: rm, mv & cp
Duties 26 – 28
New to Linux? Here is the fourth in our sequence of Linux Fundamentals for hackers.
Assignments: TryHackMe.com (Device 9)
1. Complete the responsibilities for the Responsibilities 26 – 29 of the Study Linux home.
2. Make a file named “tests”.
3. Create a directory named “testdir”.
4. Rename “testing” to “testfile”.
5. Shift “testfile” into “testdir”.
Here's a quick look at rm (remove files/directories), mv (move and rename files/directories) and cp (copy files/directories) in my review of the Learn Linux room at TryHackMe.com. I'll keep working down the list for those who are just learning Linux. Happy Hacking!
Very interesting!